About the Principal

Mdm Rabiathul Bazriya started her career as a primary school teacher in 1989 at the age of 21 years old. With experience spanning over 35 years, she has taught both at the primary schools and secondary schools and even had a stint at Curriculum and Planning Division at MOE HQ in 2016. She has served in various roles including as a Head of Department at Compassvale Secondary School (2001-2005), Vice-Principal at Qiaonan Primary (2008 -2009) and appointed as a Principal of Seng Kang Primary School (2010 -2016) , Principal of Evergreen primary School (2017 – 2023) and now Principal of Edgefield Pri (2024 – Present)
She has always been very creative and innovative in her practices and gives premium importance to building the confidence of her students through various innovative Arts programmes. She believes strongly that students must be given ample opportunities to perform and showcase their talents to build their self-esteem and boost their self-confidence. As a teacher, she is not one to be afraid to go for the “not tried and tested” and dared to venture into new frontiers with regard to teaching and learning by bringing the outside world into her classrooms. She believes that’s students must be given Choice and Voice so that they can take ownership of their own learning and development.
For her innovative efforts and for inspiring her students and fellow educators, she has achieved several awards; she was conferred the highest accolade given to teachers – the President’s Award for Teachers (PAT) in 2004. In 2005, a year after, while attending the Diploma in Department Management (DDM) Course in NTU, she was given the Dr Ruth Wong Medal for Overall Best Student and in 2014, she was awarded the Public Administration Medal (Bronze). Moreover, in 2006, she had received the MOE Overseas Post-graduate Scholarship Award, and gained her Masters Degree in Curriculum and Teaching at Columbia University (New York).
As a Principal, she now hopes to create many platforms and programmes for her students so that they will love learning and in the process uncover their talents and interests and hone their skills thereafter.
In her current school, she aims to develop students inventive and critical thinking students to develop their passion and find deeper purpose in learning. In addition, to her, building a sound character and developing good values in students is premium importance for them to be able to contribute well to themselves and to the society.