School Rules and Regulations
Students are to conduct themselves in the following manner:
1. Attendance
Be in class/hall for morning assembly by 7.25am.
Students are deemed late if they arrive after 7.30am.
Produce either a medical certificate or a letter from parents or guardians to their respective Form Teachers if absent from school, unable to participate in PE lessons, CCA, Remedial and Supplementary lessons. For school examinations, an official medical certificate must be produced.
Parents are kindly requested to inform the school if their children are unable to come to school. Parents can telephone the General Office to inform the school of their child’s absence.
2. Flag Raising Ceremony
Attend the daily flag-raising ceremony.
Stand at attention during the ceremony.
Students who are Singaporeans are to sing the National Anthem and recite the pledge with their right fist placed over the heart.
3. Possession of Prohibited Items
Possession of any weapon is not allowed.
Any weapon-like item which is used or intended to be used to cause harm to others is also not allowed.
Toys and card games are not allowed to be brought to school.
4. Personal belongings
Take personal responsibility for the security of your valuable belongings.
Do not leave belongings lying unattended.
Do not bring to school any equipment not required for your lessons or CCAs.
Apart from electronic dictionaries or calculators, other electronic or communicative devices (such as MP3 players and game consoles) will be confiscated upon detection if you bring them to school and school events without authorization or a valid reason.
5. Handphone Lockers Guidelines
The school only allows P3 to P6 students to request for the use of handphone
lockers in school. However, they must observe the restrictions concerning
the use of handphones.
Students are to use only prefixed number combination lock provided by the school.
Sharing of the handphone lockers is strictly not allowed.
Students are to deposit their switched-off handphones inside their handphone lockers upon arrival to school. Handphones are to be retrieved only after the last period of the day or after-school activities (such as support classes, CCA, etc), whichever is later.
Students can only use their handphones after they exit the school premises.
The school shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage to the students’ handphones. Students must be responsible for the care of their own handphones.
Students who breach the guidelines will have their handphones confiscated. Parents/ Guardians are required to come to school to collect the handphones.
6. Classroom Conduct
Keep the classroom clean.
Be attentive during lessons.
Complete and hand over all classwork/homework on time.
Bring all books required for the day.
Seek teacher’s permission before leaving the classroom.
Sweet drinks are not allowed to be brought into or placed outside the classroom.
Do not remain in the classroom without the presence of a teacher.
7. Attire & Appearance
All students of Edgefield Primary School have two official sets of school attire, namely the School Uniform and the PE Attire. The PE Attire is meant for P3 to P6 students to wear during PE lessons and CCAs which are physically strenuous in nature. P1 to P2 are to put on the PE attire daily.
A formal attire and appearance check will be conducted at the beginning of every month. Students will be informed prior to the attire and appearance check.
Students must wear the prescribed school uniform and any modification to the uniform is NOT allowed.
Name tags are to be sewn onto every school uniform, 1.5cm above the pocket.
Boys must be clean shaven, and no wearing of beard and moustache are allowed.
Students are not allowed to wear bracelets, friendship bands, anklets and rings.

8. Disciplinary Action
Failure to comply with the Above Code of Conduct may result in corrective consequences stipulated in the school’s Discipline Case Management Guidelines.
Depending on the severity of each disciplinary case, the following actions may be taken by the school:
Community Service
Caning (for boys only)
Other actions (as deemed appropriate by the school)
9. School’s Anti-Bullying Stand
Bullying is a complex issue. It can be physical, verbal or social in nature. Bullying is defined based on ALL these distinct factors:
Intention to cause hurt or distress (aggressive)
Power imbalance between bully and bullied/victim.
Repeated / prolonged / persistent*
Verbal/ social, physical, cyber
The school takes a firm zero tolerance stance towards all forms of bullying. This is to ensure the safety of all staff and students in Edgefield Primary School. The zero-tolerance stance has been communicated to all students. Appropriate actions will be taken against any students who are found to be involved in bullying incidents.