Key Programmes
Computing Programme

iPad for Learning

Chromebook for Learning

Cyber Wellness
Cyber Wellness (CW) focuses on the well-being of our students as they navigate cyberspace. Our curriculum aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills to harness the power of ICT for positive purposes, maintain a positive presence in cyberspace and be safe and responsible users of ICT. Through CW education, students learn to be respectful, safe and responsible users of technology and be a positive peer influence, advocating for the good of the community online.
The key messages of the CW curriculum are:

The Cyber Wellness curriculum is organised into 5 topics: |
Cyber use: Maintaining a healthy balance of online and offline activities
Cyber identity: Developing a healthy online identity; Appropriate online expression
Cyber relationships: Netiquette; Cyber bullying; Developing safe, respectful and meaningful online relationships
Cyber Citizenship: Understanding the cyber world; Handling online content and behaviour; Having a positive presence in the cyber community
Cyber Ethics: Creating and sharing of online content in a responsible manner; Respecting copyright